Mining.Taxi Driver

"Get up to 100% cash for the trip"

Until Q3 2025, Mining.Taxi is in beta testing mode

We are creating something new and wonderful for you, where you can take part. In beta testing, RIDE tokens will not be needed.

If you are a driver of existing taxi services such as Lyft, UBER or others and want to get cash quickly, additionally use the Mining.Taxi app. Receive payment after each trip and pay a Mining.Taxi fee of only 5.00% of its cost.

Starting in Q3 2025, additionally, you will need RIDE tokens.

- RIDE tokens can be obtained for free,
- exchanged from Taxi Community using a RIDE swap,
- purchased from Mining.Taxi Partners using legal and convenient payment methods in your country,
- you need to have Bitcoin and find a favorable RIDE offer for yourself in the Orderbook, then use Atomic Swap to exchange your Bitcoin for RIDE.

Helpful Information

Integrate Crypto

Crypto Wallets

* Cryptocurrencies are a high-risk product. Be carefully and use at your own risk.

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Mining.Taxi will start in Q3 2025!

Join the Taxi Community to start Earning up to 50% on every sale!