Domain name Mining.Taxi was registered on 04/06/2020 at 19:15:53 UTC via, LLC. Further, domain name Taxi.Community was also registered for community, which became the main channel of the project for the exchange of information about work and developments. A little later, it was decided to buy out most domain names with the same and similar names.
See the entire List of Domains used by the project.
In the process of developing and forming ideas for promoting the product, the company OCSM Inc., decided to share the functions between the company and the community.
It was decided that the company OCSM Inc., deals with legal issues and product administration.
Marketing and promotion of the product is done by the Community. The community decides on changing the product, entering new markets, the cost of Mining.Taxi services and all issues related to cryptocurrencies.
Thus, the Governsnce of Mining.Taxi has passed to the community and is carried out through voting, by a majority of votes. The company only implements or contests the decisions made by voting.
The result is the first Web3 product that is integrated into the real sector of the economy. You can read about the definition of Web3 on Wikipedia.
We are on the threshold of a new era of Internet development. It’s obvious that in the near future we will forget about our usual Web2 websites and services. The Mining.Taxi concept means a very easy entrance and mastering Web3 for any Web2 user, who has never had to deal with cryptocurrencies and other tools. Mass adoption is the main mission of Mining.Taxi. Guided by this principle the development team created the mechanics of the project.
Mining.Taxi is an information service. Transport and other services are provided by service partners and the Taxi Community.